% BE% E5% BF% 9C & sxsrf = AOaemvIiZACoBn7TSerWBMoXty5sLyGN1Q% 3A1635990167825 & source = hp & ei = lzqDYaOIL7zQ1sQPhqWA-A0 & iflsig = ALs-wAMAAAAAYYNIpz0OgcrKJ-gbUTQQ0pOiEBelvfHN & oq =% E7% 99% BA% E6% B3% A8 +% E4% B8% 8B% E8% AB% 8B% E6% B3% 95% E5% AF% BE% E5% BF% 9C & gs_lcp = Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEM0CMgUIABDNAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoNCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEQBDoECAAQQzoHCAAQsQMQQzoHCAAQgAQQBDoKCAAQgAQQsQMQBDoFCAAQsQM6BQgAEIAEOgYIABAEEB46BAgAEB46CAgAEAUQBBAeOggIABAIEAQQHjoGCAAQBRAeOgYIABAIEB46CAgAEAgQHhAXOgcIABCABBAXOggIABAFEB4QFzoFCCEQoAFQ-RdYpnxghIABaAZwAHgAgAGWAYgB6RWSAQQyOC4zmAEAoAEBsAEK & sclient = gws-wiz & ved = 0ahUKEwjjr7mmyv3zAhU8qJUCHYYSAN8Q4dUDCAo & uact = 5
When placing an order , the parent company should write a document that describes all of the following specific items (Article 3 ... (7) Amount of subcontract price (a specific amount must be stated, but it is stated by the calculation method) . Also possible)
For example, even though the subcontractor is not responsible, the parent company reduces the amount of the subcontract price after placing an order ... In a difficult situation, the subcontractor cannot handle the conventional unit price ...
Q23 If a subcontractor creates a prospective order without making a formal order , is it okay to refuse to receive it? 5 Prohibition of late payment (Article 4, Paragraph 1, Item 2). ( Invoice from subcontractor ...
Refusing to receive the ordered items. Delay in payment of subcontract price (paragraph 1, item 2), payment date set within 60 days after receiving subcontract price ...
2021/07/30 — The Subcontract Act regulates the abuse of the parent business operator ( ordering party), which is in an economically superior position, to make the subcontracting transactions fair and to subcontract the business operator (contractor). )of ...
2021/07/28 - Subcontract Act basically in the transaction, which is to apply, the parent company ( ordering subcontractors from person) (... Summary - Subcontract Act to support the ordering form (purchase order) more easily To ...
The Subcontract Act is an abbreviation for the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontracting Fees, and is operated for the purpose of protecting the interests of subcontractors and optimizing transactions. The content is the obligations, prohibitions, violations of the parent company ...
2021/02/12 - Published: 2021/02/12 Subcontract Act when performing a transaction corresponding to, ordering 's side incorporating the described matters are determined by law ordering necessary to issue a certificate to the contractor But ...
Release date: 2021/02/12 There is a subcontracting law as a law to protect small and medium-sized enterprises and sole proprietors with small capital . Received in day-to-day transaction ordering when performing management, subcontract method stipulated in the ...
2020/08/28 - these acts even if the order be by agreement with the destination Subcontract Act in violation ... Subcontract Act of support those who want to consult a lawyer now regard, please feel free to contact from below. ..
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