I think it's wonderful to have a simple business that copies the successful businesses from all over the world and translates and interprets them into the languages of countries that are not yet popular.
Make a profit just by imitating it! The whole picture of Rocket Internet, which "copy and paste" businesses around the world.
https://neovisionconsulting.blogspot.com/2021/06/just-make-copy-of-it-and-make-profit_18.htmThe content business includes novels, business books (including audio reading versions), cartoons, doujinshi, anime, dramas, movies, plays, Kabuki, CDs, DVDs, Blu-RayDISK, video-on-demand distribution, characters and A business that translates and interprets bosses such as fans and characters of actors and entertainers, towels, and merchandise around the world and expands them horizontally is considered to be good for creating employment.
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