
Apple cider vinegar (no sugar & no fructose glucose) + biofermin had an amazing effect on weight loss + constipation. However, please drink only apple cider vinegar without fructose glucose or sugar. If you drink something that contains them, it may be bad for your health. If you take lactobacillus capsules like a suppository through the butt hole, your immune system will be strengthened, and if you take apple cider vinegar without sugar, your immune system will be strengthened and it may be effective against cancer, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.


360ml Apple vinegar (no sugar & no fructose glucose)


1L Apple vinegar (no sugar & no fructose glucose)

Lactobacillus KE-99 Oligosaccharides Trehalose < 60 vegetable capsules > 30-day supply.

nichie Bacillus coagulans Bifidobacteria Lactobacillus bifidus Lactobacillus product substance Enzyme Contains oligosaccharides by banana Soft capsules approx. 6 months  180 capsules. 
nichie 有胞子性乳酸菌 ビフィズス菌 乳酸菌生成物質 酵素 ソフトカプセル 約6ヶ月分(180粒)
    Spore-forming lactic acid bacteria" + "Bifidobacteria BR-108" + "Lactobacillus acidophilus product" + "Enzymes from the storehouse" - four powerful ingredients for support
    Bacillus coagulans" is very strong against dryness, heat, acid, etc., and is delivered alive and well. Bifidobacterium bifidum "BR-108", which is very important for life.
    Lactobacillus Purified Substance," which is a co-culture of 35 strains of lactobacilli from 16 different species, cultivated and fortified by our unique method; "Enzymes from the brewery," made by fermenting and maturing 107 carefully selected plants using yeast living in the sake brewery; and "Gelatin" (manufactured in Japan), which is a gelatin that is used in the brewing process.
    Gelatin (manufactured in Japan), sporicidial lactic acid bacteria, plant fermentation extract powder, lactic acid bacteria purified substance powder (soybeans, lactic acid bacteria), bifidobacteria powder (dextrin, sterilized bifidobacteria) / edible oils, glycerin, beeswax, glycerin fatty acid esters, soy lecithin *Some ingredients include gelatin, banana, soybeans, cashew nuts Sesame seeds
    Nutrition Facts (per capsule): Energy 2.52kcal, Protein 0.13g, Fat 0.17g, Carbohydrate 0.11g, Salt equivalent 0g

  • 「有胞子性乳酸菌」+ビフィズス菌「BR-108」+「乳酸菌生成物質」+「蔵付き酵素」、4つのチカラでサポート
  • 乾燥や熱、酸などにも非常に強く、生きたまましっかり届く「有胞子性乳酸菌」。生きていくためにはとっても大切な善玉菌のビフィズス菌「BR-108」。
  • 16種35株の乳酸菌を独自の方法により共棲培養・強化した「乳酸菌精製物質」。107種類の厳選した植物を、酒蔵に生息する酵母を用いて醗酵・熟成させた「蔵付き酵素」。
  • ゼラチン(国内製造)、有胞子性乳酸菌、植物発酵エキス末、乳酸菌生成物質粉末(大豆、乳酸菌)、ビフィズス菌末(デキストリン、殺菌ビフィズス菌体)/食用油脂、グリセリン、ミツロウ、グリセリン脂肪酸エステル、大豆レシチン※一部にゼラチン・バナナ・大豆・カシューナッツ・ゴマを含む
  • 配合成分表示(1粒あたり)/有胞子性乳酸菌末 50mg 栄養成分表示(1粒あたり)/エネルギー 2.52kcal、たんぱく質 0.13g、脂質 0.17g、炭水化物 0.11g、食塩相当量 0g

This lactobacillus capsule also contains oligosaccharide, and seems to be good for weight loss and constipation improvement by taking it with apple cider vinegar, which contains no sugar or fructose dextrose. This lactobacillus capsule is recommended to be inserted through the butt hole as a suppository, because the lactobacillus will directly reach the large intestine.






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