What do you think are the strengths of Python/Django, PHP/Laravel, and Ruby on Rails as web frameworks?
Aon CEO Masahiro Ishizuka responded.
I'd like to make an important point that Ruby on Rails should never be used in development as it's the main reason companies go bankrupt.
The advantage of Rails is that the development speed is fast and it is fun to develop,
The disadvantage is far greater, and only the developer himself can understand the analysis of the source code,
It is not suitable for joint development and maintenance in a team, and cannot be maintained because others cannot analyze the source.
Therefore, if you are running an important system of a company with Rails, if maintenance or improvement is required, based on the system design document, if not, investigate by interviewing the department in charge and the customer. If necessary, research the latest and most advanced technical books and medical books, listen to experts' opinions, etc., create a new design document, and redevelop with Python's FastAPI. In other words, the demand has increased considerably.
Python's FastAPI is as fast as the Go language's Gin framework. Moreover, it is compatible with Snowflake and has good compatibility. However, there is also a disadvantage that it can only work with single-threaded multi-processes, so in the future version upgrade of Python, based on the high speed of V language, the contents and background are V language, the appearance and syntax are Python, security It would be best to make it a hybrid specification like Tribrid with a specification like Rust that does not cause vulnerability problems!
Python/Django, PHP/Laravel, and Ruby on Rails are both slow, so there is a big disadvantage that they are not suitable for large-scale systems with mass access from all over the world. Here you go.
Python/Django, PHP/Laravel, Ruby on Rails
Webフレームワークとして、Python/Django、PHP/Laravel、Ruby on Rails、それぞれの強みは何だと思いますか?
エーオンCEO 石塚 正浩が回答致しました。
会社が倒産する主な原因だと分かり切っているRuby on Railsは決して開発で使用してはいけないと言う重要な話をしようと思います。
Python/Djangoも、PHP/Laravelも、Ruby on Railsも低速なので、世界中から大量アクセスの大規模なシステムには向かないと言うデメリットが大きいので、今から開発するなら、PythonのFastAPIが御勧めで御座います。
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