The idea is that a future version of Python will be a hybrid fusion of fast, high-security Rust and Python, with a fast Rust-based syntax that looks like Python, and open source technology on Github that will allow programs from other languages, such as Cobol, to be converted to Python using AI technology as well. The idea is to convert programs from other languages such as Cobol to this latest Python using Github's open source technology and AI technology. Proposed by Masahiro Ishizuka.
将来的なPythonのバージョンアップで、高速でハイセキュリティなRustとPythonがハイブリッドなフュージョンをして高速なRustベースで見た目はPythonの構文になり、Githubのオープンソーステクノロジーで、Cobolなど他の言語から、AI技術も駆使してこの最新のPythonにプログラムを変換出来る様にするアイデア。 提案者は、石塚 正浩。
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