
HAND PAY。Secure cardless payment with palm vein authentication. ハンドペイ。手のひら静脈認証でカードレス決済。


Safe and Convenient Payment Solution Leading the Korean Financial Industry by Realizing "Shopping with No Money in Hand" through the Use of Palm Vein Authentication

In South Korea, the government is promoting the revitalization of the Fintech industry as a national policy. On the other hand, in light of the large-scale credit card information leakage incident, users (citizens) are demanding secure mechanisms such as biometric authentication. LOTTE CARD has therefore established the "HandPay Payment Service" employing Fujitsu's "palm vein authentication" solution to provide a new shopping style that does not require a credit card or mobile terminal for payment. The company has launched a cutting-edge Fintech service ahead of its competitors, aiming to improve convenience for users and establish its position as a leader in the Korean financial industry.

ChallengeTo provide an unprecedented, secure, and convenient payment mechanism
EffectA new service that allows credit card users to shop "without any credit card".
The client wanted to differentiate itself from its competitors and take a leadership position in the financial industry.
EffectAhead of competitors in the Korean Fintech business by adopting palm vein authentication
Background of Introduction
Background of Introduction
Key Points of Introduction
Effectiveness and Future Prospects
Background of Introduction
National government promotes activation of the Fintech field
Secure, non-personal identity authentication has become indispensable

In South Korea, mobile financial services are rapidly expanding as a result of government policies aimed at stimulating the Fintech sector. Services such as e-payments using biometrics have also increased, with some 90,000 new jobs created in the Fintech sector. The biometric authentication market also grew to 300 billion won in 2016, double the size of 2012.

Against this backdrop, LOTTE CARD wanted to differentiate itself from its competitors by providing credit card users with a secure and convenient service. The company launched the "HandPay Payment Service," which allows customers to make payments without a credit card, simply by authenticating the vein in the palm of their hand. Until now, there has been no service that uses biometrics to perform everything from identity authentication to credit card payment.

For this reason, LOTTE CARD has adopted Fujitsu's "palm vein authentication" solution. Mr. Park, Managing Director of LOTTE CARD's Marketing Head Office, said, "LOTTE Group is a company that is taking on the challenge of introducing new technologies ahead of its competitors. The Lotte Group is a company that takes on the challenge of introducing new technology ahead of its competitors. We are not the No. 1 credit card company in Korea, but we are taking the lead in adopting artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analysis, and we want to become the leader in financial services using advanced technology in Korea," said Mr. Park Doo-hwan, Managing Director of LOTTE CARD's Marketing Head Office, in sharing his vision.

Mr. Park Doo-hwan
Managing Director
Marketing Head Office

Mr. Kim Byung-jun
Head of Digital Payment Team
Digital Payment Team
Background of Introduction
Palm vein" is one of the strongest biometric authentication methods
Supported by a proven track record in Korea

Compared to fingerprint authentication, authentication using veins in the palm of the hand has an overwhelmingly low risk of being forged. Fingerprints remain on the surface of the body, so they remain on objects that are touched, and with the increased resolution of the cameras in smartphones these days, there have even been cases where fingerprints have been recovered from photos posted on blogs and the like. Authentication using the face or iris is also susceptible to forgery because it uses information obtained from the surface of the body.

In this respect, veins are located inside the body, and even a specific component of the body called reduced hemoglobin in the blood vessels is read as personal information for authentication. For this reason, the risk of forgery is said to be close to zero. The veins in the palm of the hand are numerous and complex in shape, and the amount of information that can be read is large, making it safer than other biometric authentication technologies, with an acceptance rate of 0.00008% for others and 0.01% for the individual. The use of palm vein authentication also provides high protection against card fraud due to skimming and fraudulent impersonation of others.

Fujitsu has experience in Korea, having installed a palm vein authentication system at Shinhan Bank and a biometric authentication system at the Biometric Information Decentralized Management Center of the Korea Financial Settlement Center (KFTC), which uses this infrastructure system to provide services to support the introduction and operation of biometric authentication at financial institutions. This track record in Korea and the availability of KFTC's services were factors that encouraged LOTTE CARD to adopt the palm vein authentication system.

Key Points of Introduction
Settlement can be completed using only palm vein information.
Integration with existing payment systems and other systems is also being considered.

To perform palm vein authentication, near-infrared rays are uniformly applied to the entire palm of the hand to capture the vein vessels, which are then compared to the registered data. In the contactless palm vein authentication system developed by Fujitsu, the blood vessel information can be read simply by holding the user's hand over the sensor surface of the authentication terminal, without the user having to directly touch it. This has the advantage of being hygienic even in environments where an unspecified number of people use the system. In practice, it is difficult to control the non-contact, uniform application of near-infrared light to the palm of the hand. Fujitsu overcame this challenge by applying scanning technology cultivated in various fields.

PalmSecure™," a palm vein authentication device, enables payment by simply holding up the palm of the hand.

Users of the HandPay payment service initiated by LOTTE CARD first scan and register their vein biometric information at the card center. The scanned vein pattern information is linked to the individual's credit card information on the biometric authentication server. The vein pattern information is converted into unreadable data, which is then distributed and managed by LOTTE CARD and KFTC.

When paying at the cash register, the registered user enters his/her cell phone number into the payment terminal and holds his/her palm over the scanner. The vein pattern information is checked against the credit card information on the biometric authentication server. The payment is completed upon confirmation of authorization. Users do not need to carry a wallet, credit card, or even a mobile device such as a cell phone or smartphone to make payments.

Benefits and Future Prospects
Aiming for "empty-handed shopping
A new experience from Korea to the world

LOTTE CARD first introduced the HandPay payment service to an unmanned 7-Eleven store in Lotte World Tower. In the future, the company plans to link the service to existing payment systems and POS terminals in stores, and expand it to stores affiliated with the Lotte Group.

Mr. Kim, Head of Smart Business Team at Lotte Card, commented, "Fujitsu understood the regulations and environment unique to South Korea and responded to our request with their rich experience and high technological capabilities. We look forward to Fujitsu's active collaboration with us to expand the market for this service in Korea," he said.

Mr. Kim said that the most important aspect of a credit card company's service is customer convenience, "LOTTE CARD allows customers to shop without carrying a wallet or even a credit card," he added. LOTTE CARD offers a whole new way of shopping, allowing customers to shop without even carrying a wallet or credit card. We are confident that our radical approach will create a sense of security for our customers," he said.

Fujitsu's technology, validated in the Japanese market, meets the distribution and financial infrastructure of the Lotte Group in Korea to create a new service for the future. The new shopping style using palm vein authentication solutions has the potential to spread around the world, starting with Korea.

Click here to read the rest of the article, including key points of the introduction.

Palm Vein Authentication Enables "Shopping with No Money in Your Hands
Safe and Convenient Payment Solution Leading the Korean Financial Industry

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Related Products, Services and Solutions
Palm Vein Authentication FUJITSU PalmSecure™ Biometric Authentication
Related Links
Providing palm vein authentication devices to the Korean payment market
Business Field Credit-specialized finance business (credit card business, installment payment finance business)
Business scale Total assets (FY2016): 10.2 trillion KRW (consolidated financial basis)
Net income 141.6 billion KRW (FY2016)
Number of offices 18 locations
Number of employees 1,704
Year of establishment December 3, 2002
[Published in July 2017]

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韓国では、国の方針としてFintech 産業の活性化を推進している。一方で、大規模なクレジットカード情報流出事件を踏まえ、利用者(国民)からは生体認証をはじめとするセキュアな仕組みが求められている。そこでLOTTE CARD は、富士通の「手のひら静脈認証」ソリューションを採用した「HandPay 決済サービス」を構築し、決済の際にクレジットカードやモバイル端末を必要としない新しいショッピングスタイルを提供。利用者への利便性向上と韓国金融産業のリーダーとしての地位確立を目指し、他社に先駆けた先端のFintech サービスを開始した。

効果手のひら静脈認証を採用することで、韓国のFintech 事業で他社を先取り


国を挙げてFintech 分野の活性化を促進

韓国では、政府が Fintech 分野の産業活性化に向けた政策を推進してきた結果、モバイル金融サービスは急速に拡大している。生体認証を利用した電子決済などのサービスも増えてきた。Fintech 分野では約 9 万件の新規雇用が生まれたという。生体認証市場も、2016 年は 2012 年の 2倍となる 3000 億ウォン規模に成長した。

こうした中で LOTTE CARD は、クレジットカード利用者に、安全で利便性の高いサービスを提供し、他社と差別化を図りたいと考えた。そこで打ち出したのが、クレジットカードさえ持たずに、手のひら静脈の認証だけで決済できる「HandPay 決済サービス」である。従来、生体認証を使って本人認証からクレジットカード決済まで済ませられるサービスはなかった。

このために LOTTE CARD は富士通の「手のひら静脈認証」ソリューションを採用。事前に生体情報を登録した利用者に対し、系列店舗での支払いの際、認証装置に手のひらをかざすだけで決済できるようにした。LOTTE CARD の Marketing Head Office Managing Director の Park 氏は、「ロッテグループは他社に先駆けて新たな技術の導入に挑戦する企業。韓国クレジットカード市場の No.1 事業者ではないが、人工知能(AI)やビックデータ分析なども率先して採用し、先進技術を活用した金融サービスでは韓国のリーダー企業になりたい」とビジョンを語る。

Mr. Park Doo-hwan
Managing Director
Marketing Head Office
Mr. Kim Byung-jun
Digital Payment Team




この点、静脈は体の内側にあり、血管中の還元ヘモグロビンという生体の特定成分までを個人の情報として読み込んで認証する。このため、偽造のリスクはゼロに近いと言われている。本人を識別する精度の高さに関しても、手のひらの静脈血管は本数が多く、形も複雑であることから読み取る情報量が多く、他人受諾率 0.00008%、本人拒否率 0.01%と他の生体認証技術と比較して安全である。手のひら静脈認証を採用すれば、スキミングなどによるカード詐欺や、他人のなりすまし詐欺などに対する防止力も高くなる。

富士通は韓国において、新韓銀行の手のひら静脈認証システム、韓国金融決済院(KFTC)の生体情報分散管理センターにおける生体認証システムなどを導入した実績を持つ。KFTC は、この基盤システムを使って、金融機関の生体認証導入・運用を支援するサービスを提供している。これら韓国での導入実績と、KFTC のサービスを使える状況にあったことが、LOTTE CARD の手のひら静脈認証システム採用の後押し材料となった。





LOTTE CARD が始めた HandPay 決済サービスの利用者は、まずカードセンターで静脈の生体情報をスキャンして登録する。スキャンされた静脈パターン情報は、生体認証サーバで各個人のクレジットカード情報とひも付けられる。この際、静脈パターン情報は解読不可能なデータに変換し、LOTTE CARD と KFTC で分散管理する。




LOTTE CARD は HandPay 決済サービスを、まず、ロッテワールドタワーにあるセブンイレブンの無人店舗に導入した。今後は既存の決済システムや店頭の POS 端末などと連携させ、ロッテグループが提携する店舗に展開していく計画である。

LOTTE CARD の Smart Business Team Head の Kim 氏は、「富士通は韓国特有の規制や環境を理解し、豊富な経験と高い技術力で私たちのリクエストに応えてくれた」と評価し、「これからも韓国内における本サービスの市場拡大のために富士通の積極的な協業を期待する」と話した。

HandyPay 決済サービスがさまざまな店舗に導入されれば、手ぶらで店舗に入り、買い物できるようになる。Kim 氏はクレジットカード会社が提供するサービスにおいて、一番重視しなければならないことは顧客の利便性であるとし、「LOTTE CARD は財布やクレジットカードすら持つことなく手ぶらで買い物ができるという、まったく新しいショッピングのあり方を提案する。私たちの先鋭的な取り組みが、顧客の安心感を生むことになると確信している」と話す。





事業規模資産総計(2016 年度期)10.2 兆KRW(連結財務基準)
当期純利益1,416 億KRW(2016 年度期)
拠点数18 ヶ所
従業員数1,704 人
設立年度2002 年12 月3 日



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