Shunichi Arai
-Shunichi Arai
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I run a software company in Japan for 8 hours.
Word of mouth.
It may seem modern, but I think the corporate computer industry relies heavily on word of mouth.
But the computer industry is still one of the nicer ones. Self-taught people can work in the computer industry, and if you ask many companies to sell you a product, they usually don't turn you away.
In the case of telecommunications equipment and industrial equipment, unless you have worked in the industry for many years, you cannot get information on how to do business, you don't even know what to buy, and they won't do business with you, because it's that kind of world.
Well, I think many industries are similar to that. After all, if you don't have experience, achievements, and connections, you won't even be considered as a client.
On the other hand, in the software industry, if you have the ability, you can make it in an instant, so I think it is very easy to do.
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