
アイデアとしてMQA(384Hz 32bit)クオリティで、アマチュア無線の様にWEBカメラ+無料のDiscordのボイスチャット機能、Zoomの無料録画機能、無料のSkypeの音声認識と外国語の自動翻訳機能で世界中の仲間をランダムの無作為で集まった人同士で、文化交流、オンライン飲み会や国際会議と電子平和条約サイン、などが出来たら面白いだろうなと思いました。by 石塚 正浩。

As an idea, I thought it would be interesting if we could use MQA(384kHz 32bit) quality, a webcam like amateur radio, free Discord voice chat function, free Zoom recording function, free Skype voice recognition and automatic foreign language translation function, and random people gathered at random from all over the world for cultural exchange, online drinking, international conferences, and electronic peace treaty signing. I thought it would be interesting to have online drinking parties, international conferences and electronic peace treaty signings, etc. by Masahiro Ishizuka.

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