
Choose Organic JAS & Pesticide Free! & The idea of producing safe crops from the application of land-based aquaculture of fish and shellfish!


What is the difference between pesticide-free and organic cultivation? Differences in cultivation methods and surprising pitfalls.

Comment: By choosing organic JAS & pesticide-free products, there will be no problems other than pesticide residues. However, when we cultivate fish and shellfish in land-based pools these days, we feed the adult fish not with fish but with insect larvae that have been infected with bacteria in a positive sense before being fed to the fish. By feeding insect larvae infected with the bacteria mixed with chicken, pig, cow, duck, turkey, etc. food, it is possible to eliminate the need to administer antibiotics to livestock. If this were to happen, we can assume that a safe, antibiotic-free organic fertilizer could be produced from livestock manure.

Fish manure will be filtered out and used as fertilizer for the fields, or the rest will be decomposed by bacteria or disinfected with ultraviolet light, so there will be no drainage into the sewage system.

Aon CEO.

Masahiro Ishizuka, CEO of Aon.


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Organic vegetables, pesticide-free vegetables, and vegetables grown with reduced pesticides, special cultivation, and other various cultivation methods are sold. But how much do you know about the differences between them?

Are you choosing a product because "it looks healthy because it is organic" or "if it is pesticide-free, it is safe"? In fact, just because a vegetable is organic or pesticide-free does not necessarily mean that it is safe.

In order to take in healthy vegetables, it is important to know the meaning of "organic" and "pesticide-free," and to be able to have the right perspective after considering the other side of the story.

In this article, we will discuss the differences between "organic" and "pesticide-free," as well as the pitfalls of each.

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What is the difference between organic and pesticide-free farming?

What is organic farming?

What is pesticide-free cultivation?

The reality of pesticide-free cultivation

If you only pay attention to pesticides, you will be fine! Misconception

What is the difference between organic and chemical fertilizers?

Is organic fertilizer safe?

Organic farming does not mean zero pesticides!

What is specially grown produce?

What kind of vegetables do you choose?

What is the difference between organic and pesticide-free cultivation?

Recently, more and more supermarkets and department stores have vegetable sections with organic and pesticide-free vegetables. But what exactly do "organic" and "pesticide-free" mean?

What is organic farming?

In Japan, the "Organic Agriculture Promotion Law" formulated in 2006 defines "organic farming" as "farming that uses agricultural production methods that reduce the environmental impact of agricultural production as much as possible, based on the non-use of chemically synthesized fertilizers and pesticides and the non-use of genetic modification technology. This is defined as "agricultural production using methods of agricultural production that reduce the burden on the environment derived from agricultural production as much as possible.

In brief, the three main points are "not using chemically synthesized fertilizers or pesticides," "not using genetic modification technology," and "environmentally friendly agricultural methods.

Organic" = "organic" and is also commonly known as "organic vegetables. More and more nature-oriented stores and restaurants are selling "organic" products.

In order to be shipped and sold as "organic produce" in Japan, they must pass inspection according to "JAS standards. Many of you have probably seen the green organic JAS mark in stores. Without the JAS organic mark, the vegetables cannot be officially sold as "organic vegetables" or "organic vegetables.

What is pesticide-free cultivation?

As the name implies, it is a cultivation method that does not use pesticides.

However, "pesticide-free vegetables" do not have a third-party certification system like organic vegetables. What many people expect from the term "pesticide-free" is that "no pesticides are used" or "no pesticides remain".

In fact, the expression "pesticide-free" is very vague, and the "Labeling Guidelines for Specially Cultivated Agricultural Products" were established in response to the misunderstanding that this expression caused among consumers. The "Labeling Guidelines for Specially Cultivated Agricultural Products" were established in response to the misunderstanding caused by the use of the term "pesticide-free.

Nevertheless, there are still many vegetables and fruits that are often sold claiming to be "pesticide-free. So what is this "pesticide-free"?

The reality of pesticide-free cultivation

Even though it is called pesticide-free, there are cases where pesticides remain in the soil or are used outside of the growing season. It is not necessarily true that pesticide-free is absolutely superior to organic farming.

Many companies sell their products as "pesticide-free" if they do not use pesticides completely, but only during the growing season. Of course, there are farmers who thoroughly cultivate their products without using pesticides.

Also, expressions such as "reduced pesticides" are often used. It is easy to assume that because pesticides have been reduced, they are safe, but we must be careful because this definition is not clear either. We need to consider whether the toxicity of the reduced pesticides is not a problem. It is also necessary to consider whether the toxicity of reduced pesticides is not a problem.

When purchasing vegetables that claim to be "pesticide-free" or "reduced pesticide use," it is difficult to make a judgment without confirming which pesticides are used and to what extent, as well as how long they have not been used. If the vegetables are sold as "pesticide-free," it is important to examine the details carefully.

It is a misconception that if you only pay attention to pesticides, you will be fine! Misconception

Organic and pesticide-free cultivation is based on the premise that chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not used, and that pesticides are not used during cultivation. Do you realize that there is a pitfall here?

What cannot be used in organic farming is chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are used even if no pesticides are used at all. Organic cultivation is defined as cultivation using organic fertilizers for at least three years on a given farm.

What is the difference between organic and chemical fertilizers?

In general, there are two types of fertilizers: chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. As the name suggests, chemical fertilizers are chemically synthesized and cannot exist in nature. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, are made from plants and animals, and generally use compost or animal feces. In addition, composted manure may contain manure from cows or pigs that have been treated with antibiotics and other chemicals, so it is possible that the effects of the chemicals have not been completely removed.

Is it a misconception that organic fertilizers are safe?

Why do we need to use fertilizers in the first place? It is because the soil is depleted of nutrients. It is not true that organic fertilizers are better because they are natural. If humans apply fertilizers to soil that is in a state of balance with nature, that harmony will be lost.

Organic farming is not pesticide-free!

In organic farming, only the 31 JAS-certified pesticides are allowed to be used. Just because it is organic does not mean it is "pesticide-free," so if you want to eliminate pesticides completely, you should certainly stick to "pesticide-free. However, since there are different degrees of pesticide-free, it is not a good idea to jump on the "pesticide-free" bandwagon carelessly. If you do not look at the essence of the term, you may be misled by the words "00 cultivation" or "00 farming method" alone.

What are specially cultivated agricultural products?

Along with the terms "organic" and "pesticide-free," the term "specially cultivated agricultural products" is now often seen. The term "specially cultivated agricultural products" is defined by the Japanese government as follows

Agricultural products grown with 50% or less of the number of pesticides and 50% or less of the nitrogen content of chemical fertilizers used in comparison with the customary levels in the region where the agricultural products are grown.

These "pesticides subject to reduction" are defined as "chemical synthetic pesticides minus chemical synthetic pesticides that can be used under JAS standards for organic agricultural products. If pesticides subject to reduction are used, the number of times they are used and other details are required to be stated, making the system a bit confusing for consumers.

If you want to eat food that is completely free of pesticides, specially cultivated agricultural products are not sufficient. You must choose completely pesticide-free products, and if you want to be even more thorough, you must even pursue zero pesticide residue.

What kind of vegetables do you choose?

Japan is the world's pesticide powerhouse. Some survey data show that Japan is now second only to China in the use of pesticides. Many people would not think that vegetables are dangerous when they see them beautifully and neatly arranged in the vegetable section.

Unfortunately, however, many vegetables on the Japanese market are increasingly far removed from their natural state. It is difficult to obtain truly safe vegetables.

Of course, the basis of a meal is to enjoy food not only from the perspective of pesticides, but also with a balance of nutrition and taste. It is meaningless if eating becomes stressful because we are so concerned about pesticides. Ideally, we recommend that you find a farmer or supermarket that you can trust. Buying from them will also support the farmers and help spread the word about good vegetables. Of course, not everything can be completely pesticide-free, but just a little bit goes a long way.

Even if health cannot be bought with money, food can be easily changed, such as making just the vegetables you eat raw pesticide-free. Please try to change your mindset, even if it is just one way of choosing vegetables, starting today.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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