
Implants can be done even with little bone! What is Zygoma implant treatment? Comment: There are other methods such as bone grafting or bone grafting surgery.


Implant treatment is the treatment of choice for tooth loss. The first thing to do is to find out what is the best way to get the most out of your dental implant.

However, did you know that there is a treatment method that allows you to have an implant even if you have a small amount of bone?

It is a treatment method called "zygoma implant," in which an implant is placed and fixed in the cheekbone even when the jaw bone is extremely small.

Here, we introduce the Zygoma Implant treatment, which uses a special type of implant.

Update: 2021/06/22

Maxillary sinus

Implants can be done even if you have little bone! What is Zygoma Implant Treatment?

■Table of Contents

What is a zygoma implant?

Features of Zygoma Implants

How much does a zygoma implant cost?

Maintenance is also important for zygoma implants.

Don't give up even if you are refused implant treatment.

What is a zygoma implant?

A zygoma implant is a type of implant treatment in which an implant is placed in the cheekbone.

Zygoma means cheekbone, and unlike the usual treatment in which an implant is placed in the jawbone, a very long implant is used.

As in a type of implant treatment called All-on-4, four to six implants are implanted and supported by 12 to 14 tooth coverings. By placing the implants in the cheekbone so that the force applied to the implants is even, the number of implants, the cost of surgery, and the physical burden of the implants can be minimized.

The primary reason for using the cheekbone for implant treatment is the lack of bone in the jaw.

This is a special implant treatment that can be applied to patients who have lost teeth due to severe periodontal disease or tooth decay, or who have used ill-fitting dentures for a long period of time, causing resorption (bone loss) of the jaw bone, which makes it difficult to use the All-on-4 treatment in which implants are placed in the jaw bone due to insufficient thickness and height of the jaw bone to place the implants This is a special type of implant treatment that can be applied to patients who have difficulty using the All-on-4 treatment.

In addition, Zygoma implants are also said to be able to treat patients who cannot have implants placed in their jawbone, such as those who have had a large portion of their jawbone removed due to oral cancer or those who are born with congenital jaw bone defects (cleft jaw, cleft palate, etc.).

However, the fact is that there are still only a few dental clinics that use Zygoma implants because the implant treatment using Zygoma implants is different from the normal implant treatment in which implants are implanted in the jawbone, and the surgery is more difficult because the implants are implanted in the cheekbone, and the treatment requires more skill.

Features of Zygoma Implants

Treatment method that can be applied to the maxilla

Zygoma implants can be used only in the maxilla because the implants are implanted and fixed in the cheekbones.

The cheek bone is different from the jaw bone in that it is less prone to bone resorption and is very hard, making it suitable for firmly fixing implants.

No need for bone grafting.

When implant treatment is difficult due to resorption of the jawbone, bone grafting, sinus lifts, or other procedures to increase bone mass are performed before implantation.

In the case of XYGOMA implants, even if the amount of bone in the jaw is small, implant treatment can be performed without bone grafting because the cheek bone is used to implant the implant.

Implant can be placed on the same day of surgery.

Zygoma Implants is a treatment method called Immediate Load Implant, in which a fixed cover is placed immediately after the implant is implanted.

The ability to restore appearance and functions such as chewing and speaking on the same day of implant surgery is a great advantage.

Depending on the condition of the patient's mouth after the surgery, it may not be possible to place the coverings on the same day.

How much do Zygoma implants cost?

Zygoma implants use special implants and require a high level of skill, so the cost of treatment tends to be high.

The cost of a regular implant treatment, which is placed in the jawbone, is 400,000-500,000 yen per implant.

The cost for All-on-4, a type of implant treatment for patients who have lost and missing all of their teeth, is quoted at 1,895,000 to 2,400,000 yen, and Zygoma implants are even more expensive than All-on-4.

The cost of a Zygoma implant is often calculated by adding the cost of the Zygoma implant to the cost of the All-on-4, which ranges from 2,400,000 to 3,000,000 yen.

*As per Medical Net survey (as of May 2021).

The more Zygoma implants used, the higher the cost.

■Maintenance is also important for Zygoma implants.

As with regular implant treatment in the jawbone, maintenance is essential for Zygoma implants.

Implants do not decay, but it is important to be aware of a disease called peri-implantitis, in which the tissue surrounding the implant becomes periodontally diseased.

In addition to taking care of the implants yourself, failure to perform regular maintenance at the dentist's office could result in the loss of the implants in the worst case scenario.

Also note that regular maintenance is often a condition of the warranty, so there is a possibility that you will lose your implant treatment warranty if you neglect maintenance.

Because you have paid a high cost for treatment, treatment is not the goal. To prolong the life of your implants and make them last longer, you should make it a habit to take care of them yourself and receive regular maintenance at the dentist's office.

*Frequency of maintenance visits and costs vary from dentist to dentist.

■Don't give up even if you are rejected for implant treatment.

Zygoma implants are implanted in the cheekbone. Unlike regular implants that are implanted in the jawbone, some people may have a frightening image of a very long implant being implanted in the cheekbone.

However, the cheekbone is hard and strong enough to hold the implant in place so well that a crown can be placed on the same day of surgery. The ability to restore oral function on the same day of surgery is a great advantage.

Although there are still only a few dental clinics that offer this procedure, those who are dissatisfied with dentures that do not fit, those who have given up on implant treatment due to insufficient bone mass in the jaw, and others who just cannot give up on implant treatment should take this opportunity to consider Zygoma implants.

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Director : Hideto Inoue

Hideto Inoue Dental Implant Clinic

Director : Hideto Inoue

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