Here is a more detailed breakdown of the translation:
- バナナ端子 (banana enji): This phrase refers to banana plugs, which are a type of electrical connector commonly used for connecting speaker cables to audio equipment.
- スピーカーケーブル (speaker cable): This phrase refers to the cables that are used to connect speakers to audio equipment.
- 剥いて (mukite): This verb means "to strip" or "to peel." In this context, it refers to stripping the insulation off of the ends of the speaker cable.
- 差し込む (sashikomu): This verb means "to insert" or "to plug in." In this context, it refers to inserting the stripped ends of the speaker cable into the banana plugs.
- 途中で半分に折りたたんで (chūto de hanbun ni oritatande): This phrase means "to fold in half halfway." In this context, it refers to folding the stripped ends of the speaker cable in half before inserting them into the banana plugs.
- 差し込みますので (sashikomimasu node): This phrase means "so that you can insert." It is a polite way to ask someone to do something.
- 2倍の長さを (nibai no nagasa o): This phrase means "twice the length." It refers to the fact that you need to strip twice the length of the speaker cable that you would normally need if you were not folding it in half.
- 剥いて下さいませ (mukite kudasaimase): This is a polite way to ask someone to do something. It is equivalent to "please strip" in English.
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