
《ラ・カンパネラ9人聴き比べ》Please listen and compare the performance of 9 great pianists!




1:07 ①ヴァレンティーナ 個人的に特に好き。繊細でひとつひとつが粒のよう。かと思えば力強く情熱的。最後の手ヒラッが好き 5:29 ②ランラン 癖強っ!w楽しそうで観ていても楽しい。同じ楽譜からここまで遊び心を入れられるのが凄い 10:06 ③シフラ 低音がかっこいい。高音で雨粒のような音が特徴のラカンパネラと、ここまで低音が響いて壮大で力強いラカンパネラは全く別の曲に聴こえた、すごい。 14:12 ④ソンジン  クセがなく繊細で美しい。最後に向かってどんどん強くなっていくのが気持ちいい 19:15 ⑤トリフォノフ  音が粒立っていてきめ細かい。音の強弱、緩急が上手くて、こういう風に弾きたいんだという思いが伝わってくるからそれに惹き込まれる。小さく、ポロポロと弾く高音好き 24:07 ⑥ユンディ これまた音が粒のように輝いて美しい。と思っていたら後半につれての盛り上がりと低音、リズム感、最後の駆け抜けに一気に惹きつけられた 28:31 ⑦シンキン 癖のない、まさに王道のようなラカンパネラ。かと言って聴いていて飽きない感じ、むしろ聴きやすくてずっと聴いていたい。なにか超絶技巧だけじゃない曲の味が出てる。 33:02 ⑧フジコヘミング 言わずもがな癖のある、癖というか彼女の曲であって彼女にしか弾けないラカンパネラ。格別に音やその間の静寂に人生の悲しさ、重さみたいなものが感じられる。 38:58 ⑨辻井伸行 音の粒感が特別に綺麗というコメントが多く楽しみにしていたが、想像を超えてきた、、ピアノが打楽器であることを忘れさせる、音だけをその雨粒だけを摘む感じ。緑の丘に朝露が太陽に照らされて時折風が吹いてそれがぽろっとこぼれ落ちる、そんな景色が私には見えた。とか想像してたらもう終わってしまったからまた聴きたい何度でも聴きたい、、

LL. 1:07 ①Valentina: I personally especially like it. Delicate and each one is like a grain. It's delicate and each one is like a grain, but at the same time powerful and passionate. I love the fluttering of the hands at the end. 5:29 (2) "Lan-Lan" - so strong in habit! It's amazing how much playfulness can be put into the same score! 10:06 (3) Shifra. The low notes are cool. La Campanella, with its high-pitched, raindrop-like sound, and La Campanella, with its resonant bass and grand, powerful sound, sounded like two completely different songs. 14:12 ④ Sung Jin It is delicate and beautiful without any peculiarities. Nice to hear it getting stronger and stronger towards the end. 19:15 ⑤Trifonov The sound was grainy and fine-grained. The strength, weakness, and slow and fast movements of the notes were well done, and I was drawn in by the way she wanted to play the piece. I love the small, rumbling high notes. 24:07 ⑥Yundi Again, the sound shines like a grain and is beautiful. I was thinking, "I love this one," but then I was drawn in by the excitement in the second half, the bass, the sense of rhythm, and the run-through at the end. 28:31 ⑦Sinkin This is a la campanella without any habit, just like a royal road. I never get tired of listening to it; in fact, it is so easy to listen to that I want to listen to it all the time. There is something about the taste of the music that is not just superb technique. 33:02 ⑧Fujiko Hemming: La Campanella is a song that has a habit, or rather, a habit that is hers, and only she can play it. The sound and the silence between the sounds give a sense of the sadness and heaviness of life. I had been looking forward to this piece because of many comments that the graininess of the sound was exceptionally beautiful, but it exceeded my imagination. I could see the morning dew on the green hills, shining in the sun and occasionally spilling down as the wind blew. I was imagining that it was already over, and I wanted to listen to it again, and again, and again...

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